Candidates Night at Alcouffe

Meet the Candidates Night Wednesday May 16th at 6:00pm


Yuba County Sheriff
Wendell Anderson
Teng Saechao


Yuba County District 5 Supervisor
John Mistler
Alton Wright
Randy Fletcher


Yuba County Assessor
Steve Souza
Ernie Thompson
Steve Duckels


Candidate FORUM Protocol 2018 Dobbins-Oregon House Improvement Foundation  Candidates Forum, May 16

To See Full Forum Protocol Click Here

1. Three groups of candidates – 1st Assessor (group1), 2nd Sheriff (group 2), 3rd Supervisor (group 3). Each group will go through this protocol separately.

2. In the event a candidate is unable to attend, the decision to proceed with that group will be made by the remaining candidate(s).

3. All attendees will be provided 3×5 cards on which they may submit questions for each group. Questions should be relevant to the scope of the office and not personal, abusive or derogatory.  Each completed card should contain only one question.